Purchase Tickets
325 Commercial St
Waterloo, IA 50701
Saturday, October 2nd, 2021
Doors Open at 8:00 AM and close at 8:30 for ticket holders.
What does my $15 get me?
- Early Access to Zach's Mexican Donuts Day
- The opportunity to purchase (2) 500ml bottles of Barrel Aged Double Donuts
- (1) Super Cool Commemorative ZMD Day 2021 Glass filled w/ the ZMD Day Beer of your choosing
- A Donut Hole / Beer Pairing for the limited releases courtesy of Icon Donuts
- (1) Zach's Mexican Donut - courtesy of Icon Donuts
- Access to the hyper-limited draft options:
- An opportunity to dance at 8 o’clock in the morning to the vinyl love provided by DJ Jumpsuit
Is there a limited quantity of tickets available for purchase?
Yep, we are only selling 144 tickets. If you elect not to purchase one you can still join us that day, but not until 10:00 AM.
Why are there only 144 tickets available, when you can hold over 500 people?
We hope that by keeping it small it will prevent us from screwing up the experience for everyone.
When/where do tickets go on sale?
Tickets will be available to purchase through our webstore on Saturday, 9.11.21
Link to tickets HERE
So what happens once I purchase my ticket?
Great question. Upon arrival on ZMD Day, we will check your ID and compare it to our list. You will then receive your tickets and the party will begin.
What does the Commemorative Glass look like?
Incredibly cool.
What happens if I purchase a ticket, but I arrive at 8:45 AM?
We advise against that. Doors will open to ticket holders at 8:00 AM, but will be closed at 8:30 AM so that our staff can be focused on the party happening within our walls. Doors will open to the General Public again at 10 AM.